"Tipping Point"

"Ego Eccentric"

"Emerald Lord Of Pleasure"

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

...beyond the fields we know

So the last time we talked to y'all we were gearing up for The Mother Fuzzers Ball, Shizznigh's Stiff sessions, a trip to Limerick with the mighty BadRep @ The Blind Pig and we've also since seen the return of Stephen our drummer. Good to see you back homeboy!

First off was the Mother Fuzzers Ball hosted by the ever relentless Matt Casciani from Electric Taurus. We had an amazing night at this event with all the lads from Celestial Burn, Matt's own band and stoner rock's German counterparts, Trecker. Fair play to them lads that made it all the way over for the one gig! Here's a shot of all the bands together that night. 

Massive thanks to Ste O Connor / Born Again Nihilist for this video he took on the night, much appreciated man, thank you! If it weren't for this guy the underground and under the radar scene in Ireland may not have as much propulsion. Your a true musical zealot Steve and we love everything that you do, have done and will hopefully continue to do.

This was also the second to last weekend we spent out with our stand in on guitar, Stephen Crozier, if it weren't for him we'd have been performing at either half strength or not at all.

The following week was a shorter trip to Belfast for a session in the Stiff Kitten alongside some wonderful bands and great people partaking in the nights music. 

This was also our last night with stand in Steve Crozier, thanks for all the fine work brother. 

We also got new models on this night. showing off their brand new Astralnaut T's here's Alice and Matthew.

The next night we made a trek to Limerick to rock the Blind Pig with Castero all thanks to John @ BadRep.
It was one hell of a journey but thankfully we had some work to do copying some fresh cd's.

We were also down to one guitarist on this night. It wasn't as bad as we'd thought it would be but we certainly dont want to go back to that territory. As fun as it was....

The following week we were happy to spend a night in Newtownards with new friends of ours Baleful Creed, sound lads and some great pumping tunes. Here's to next time lads!! CHEERS! Shout out to Ciderfish and Cavehill, two great surprises for the nights banter. 

Onward we go yet again, the following weekend we got a little session with the mighty Clark Phillips at his studio, Great Northern Productions. Just a final mix on the new single, 'Emerald Lord Of Pleasure' and for a recording session on the b-side which is decidedly an acoustic version of 'Back To The Bog', our first single from our first EP (listen/free /download here!!). Things are coming along nicely and you should be getting the single in a few weeks.
Remember to sign up to the newsletter to get the first sneak peek of the tune before it goes live on the net.

So for the next few weeks we are involved with a few fundraising gigs in aide of a very good friend of ours then we're back on the road. We will be playing Fibbers in Dublin alongside Two Tales Of Woe (Nov 24th) and hopefully before this y'all will have a single to sink your teeth into! In early December (6th) we will also make a return to the Mother Fuzzers Ball.

Keep the hallion hand strong people and we shall see you upon ascension!