"Tipping Point"

"Ego Eccentric"

"Emerald Lord Of Pleasure"

Monday, 4 February 2013

A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts

The last time we blogged we were planning on a quiet-ish month on the gigging front with just one date in January @ Voodoo, Belfast with the mighty Bad Boat. Joining us and blowing minds on this stellar lineup were the amazingly crushing Nomadic Rituals and impressively danzig-esque Cutter.

Two Tom's of Merch

And what a successful night it was. Thanks to lads for having us and everyone that turned up on the night, your what its all about. Thanks also to our friends McHip, Paul Duffy and Trevor Seery for providing their photographic skills on the night. Of course we can't forget the massively hungover savior Kevin McGowan for taking care of our merch stall, its all much appreciated lads! 

And of course there was the partying afterwards, which includes the obligatory visit to the 24hr Mace at 4am!


In recent weeks we have recommenced recording on our next EP which will have five tracks. Track listing and artwork will be released very soon ;) 

As soon as guitars are finished (expectantly in the next fortnight) we shall make our way, yet again, to the awesome Clark Phillips @ Great Northern Productions to polish the remaining tracks off with vocals and a wee bit of mixing. 

Other happenings for the band include recent press we have received, full acknowledgment and appreciation goes out to our new mucker Edwin Mc Fee (TheBigListNI, HotPressMag, Metal Hammer), thanks for everything dude.

Also a massive shout out to Teabag Stallone from Cankle Sprainage @ Core Of Destruction Radio, Trevor from Fuzzed Out @ Grip Of Delusion Radio and the mighty Stoodge Mc Nulty from Full Metal Racket @ Strabane Radio and Firebrand Rock Radio for recent plays on their great shows. We're flattered and couldn't ask for more!



So onwards and upwards as always for Astralnaut. Between recording, plugging and getting fresh merchandise pressed due to a sell out of t-shirts we will be squeezing in some mighty gigs. This friday see's our return to the fair city of Dublin with Castero, Celestial Burn, Beltbuckle Overdrive and our good ole buddies from the north, Baleful Creed. Thanks again to the amazing Matt Casciani from The Mother Fuzzers Ball for having us down again.

The following weekend we will be tearing up the north with a much anticipated gig in Voodoo, Belfast alongside Tome, our local hero's Slomatics and the English doom quintet Black Magician. Thanks to Lar Bowler and James Loveday (Distortion Project) for making this one happen, yer sound lawds!!

The night following we trawl our way up to Derry city for our much anticipated return to rock out with local lads Balls Deep and Letterkenny rapscallions Denim Roach.

See y'all on the road. Keep your eyes and ears fully peeled for future happenings. 