"Tipping Point"

"Ego Eccentric"

"Emerald Lord Of Pleasure"

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Back to the Bog Recording Sessions!!

Just a selection of pic’s taken from the recording of our first EP, ‘Back to the Bog’.

Recording took place between January 2012 and April 2012
The initial session took place in the SRC studios, when Stephen pounded out all the drum tracks in less than 4 hours!
Laying down some guide tracks

Our enthusiastic engineer Smithers getting into the groove! A great omen! We were considering making this pic the EP cover but decided against it.

From there we hit the Den, a secret shebeen of rock hidden in the hills of South Armagh!


Mixing some stoney riffs and groovy licks!!

Shooting the shit!

Then we hit the studio again to lay down some vocals! With Beano the main man as engineer!

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way through the recording of ‘Back to the Bog’! Clarke Phillips for mixing and mastering! Our engineers, Smithers and Beano! And of course GK for the loan of lunar lander equipment! It came in handy!

The finished product is now available to download... HERE!
or hard copies can be purchased... HERE!

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