We've been overwhelmed by the great response the new EP 'In the Gaze of the Gods' has received to date and we just want to say THANK YOU for all your kind words and a special thanks to everyone who has bought and downloaded the new EP!! We wouldn't be able to do it with out you and its a huge step on the way to the creation of EP No.3.
As a form of thanks we wanted to share with you some photo's of us recording 'In the Gaze of the Gods' and to also to give specific thanks to those who have helped create it
Gaz laying down his final tracks
Recording in the Den
Stephen Todd ready to rock in Queen's Studio
Rolling Machine
floating in outer space
All vocal tracks, mixing and mastering took place at Clark Phillip's Great Northern Productions, we can't thank Clark enough for his hard work on the new EP, its a pleasure to work with such a professional guy.
All the drum sessions and some of the recording of Gary's guitars were engineered by
none other than Beano Kinneas, a good friend and true legend!
The artwork for 'In the Gaze of the Gods' was by W.Ralph Walters we're really pleased with how it turned out so many thanks to Ralph!
Ralph also had a hand in the development of the title of the E.P.
We must also thank the cog's turning in the background, without whom we wouldn't be able to have a final product, our good friend Neil from Shamrock Superstore who always helps out with procurement! Thanks to the guys at Instant Print in Armagh and Bloomer White GK Kelly for the continual loan of his recording equipment!
Thanks to everyone who had a hand in the creation of the new E.P., we're very proud and feel its our best work to date and the reviews so far seem to concur:
- http://bornagainnihilist1.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/ep-review-astralnaut-in-gaze-of-gods.html
- http://chewyourownfat.com/astralnaut-in-the-gaze-of-the-gods-ep/
The month of May 2013 marks Astralnaut's first full year on the road so to speak. We have spent a lot of time touring the country. We've played alongside some great bands and we've met some amazing people!
We've had awesome craic and there are so many people to thank, from the people who came to see us play, bought our merch, spread the word, to the venues, bands and promoters who booked us to play and the people who put us up for the longer road trips! It has been really good fun.
One final and special thanks has to go to this man, Damo Brown, for those that don't follow us on the social network sites we have recently parted ways with Damo as he has decided on a change of focus.

We've had awesome craic and there are so many people to thank, from the people who came to see us play, bought our merch, spread the word, to the venues, bands and promoters who booked us to play and the people who put us up for the longer road trips! It has been really good fun.
One final and special thanks has to go to this man, Damo Brown, for those that don't follow us on the social network sites we have recently parted ways with Damo as he has decided on a change of focus.

Damo has been a huge asset to Astralnaut, and like the rest of us has worked his ass off since the band started in 2011.
However this now ushers in a new era, the era of Jon Joe Harrison, who has been passed the torch/bass! Over the past couple of weeks we've been playing some great shows across the land with Jon Joe, we'll bring you more news of those soon but in the meantime head over to Facebook and Twitter to catch up.
However this now ushers in a new era, the era of Jon Joe Harrison, who has been passed the torch/bass! Over the past couple of weeks we've been playing some great shows across the land with Jon Joe, we'll bring you more news of those soon but in the meantime head over to Facebook and Twitter to catch up.
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