"Tipping Point"

"Ego Eccentric"

"Emerald Lord Of Pleasure"

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

DRINK “THE ASTRALNAUT”... alone if you like!!

The Cally, August 11th

Enjoy “The Astralnaut” as you rock out alone or with friends!

"The Astralnaut" all you need to make it is a bottle of Banijiu
Unfortunately bottles of Banijiu will not be available at gigs but we have lots of lovely new merch which you can pick up at our gigs! 
Consisting of tee-shirts, stickers, CD's and other little trinkets! 

There was no drinking alone at the weekend anyway! There was no Banijiu either for that matter! But plenty of pints! And plenty of rocking!! A great weekends craic on local turf!! And we had our good friend Tomas McKenna on site to document the affair!

The Cally, August 11th
More great live shots to come!! 

A powerful show with compatriots in rock! We hope to repeat it again real soon. All the bands played a blinder but in-case you missed it check them out for yourselves...

who's reputation precedes them and the legends from Lurgan!

Now that Keady has been shook once more we move on! This weekends helping of Astralnaut will be served in Lurgan and will feature the debút of a new Lurgan outfit Jekyll and Hyde... prog/funk metal ! Can’t wait to check them out!

It’s going to be a good one!! We’ll bring the beer, you bring the Banijiu! 
Hope to see you there!


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